>  Legal Notices

How we are structured

Fairchild Greig & Co. refers to a portfolio of managed products and services offered to clients through our teams of professional consultants, lawyers and support staff. Together, we manage client relationships, cases and concierge services in partnership with our extended company of ‘practice partners’ to deliver integrated solutions to client problems no matter how simple or complex they may be.


Our use of the word ‘partner’ refers to the level of expertise within and across our company of practice partners, be they corporate organisations or individual professionals, each of whom may operate under a separate legal entity which may not necessarily be a member of our partnership within the meaning of the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000.


We work with our practice partners under contractual agreements that bind us to the same exacting standards of quality that we aspire to exceed, and to a commitment to manage the work that we do through common quality management systems which reflect our combined experience and expertise.


Fairchild Greig & Company LLP

From a legal entity perspective, Fairchild Greig & Company LLP is a limited liability partnership (the Partnership) incorporated in England & Wales under Company No. OC440630 at the registered address of Aissela, 46 High Street, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9QY. Its Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Number is GB 401 7257 29.


Fairchild Greig Trusts Ltd (formerly Fairchild Greig Will Trusts Ltd)

The Partnership includes Fairchild Greig Trusts Ltd (the Trusteeship) which is a private company limited by guarantee without share capital, registered in England & Wales under Company No. 13829917 at the registered address of Aissela, 46 High Street, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9QY. It is authorised and regulated by His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) under Registration No. XEML00000173543 to provide professional Executor and Trusteeship services including, but not limited to, the formation of new company structures. It is a non-trading company, operating only as a custodian of client assets and monies for the benefit of named beneficiaries of Trusts.


Fairchild Greig Operations Ltd

Fairchild Greig Operations Ltd (the Operator) is a private limited company incorporated and registered in England & Wales under Company Registration No. 13826081 at the registered address of Aissela, 46 High Street, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9QY. It is a non-trading holding company with no sales income that deals with internal operational aspects of our business including, but not limited to, budgetary control and governance over how we work with our practice partners.


Designated Members

Fairchild Greig Operations Ltd and Fairchild Greig Trusts Ltd are both corporate designated members of Fairchild Greig & Company LLP.

The terms and conditions of using our websites

The following section sets out the terms that visitors to our websites must agree to if they wish to continue using the site they are visiting.


Permission is granted for the printing and making of photocopies of single articles or pages from our web site by individuals for colleagues within their own organisation or company provided that this notice and the following disclaimer is reproduced on each copy. Permission is given to extract and quote from articles or pages on our web site, without copying entire articles or pages, provided that acknowledgement of source is made along with the Unique Resource Locator (URL) of the page.

Linking to our website

Provided that no charge is made for access to the web site or web page containing the relevant link, and that an acknowledgement of source is made, as above, the inclusion of a link to our web site is permitted. We reserve the right to withdraw this web linking permission in any instance, in our complete discretion.


All material on our web site is for general guidance only. Our web site is not offered as professional advice. Only specific professional advice should be relied upon where specific facts can be taken into account. Fairchild Greig & Co., its partners and staff exclude all liability for actions taken, or not taken, in reliance on material on our web site. Professional advice, guidance and support are available from Fairchild Greig & Co. consultants.


The contents of each page on this web site (“our web site”) are Copyrighted to Fairchild Greig & Operations Ltd from March 2022 onwards. Reproduction of any part of the material (“our material”) contained in our web site may be republished, held in a retrieval system or reproduced in any manner for distribution or made available for consultation by means of a computer system or network without the prior written consent of Fairchild Greig & Co. (excepting only caching of pages for individual users’ browser software that are copies of the then current pages on our web site) and limited permission for strictly personal use for in-commercial purposes.

Our privacy policies

Your privacy is important to us. Our privacy policies explain how we collect and use personal data and the rights that you have under data protection law. You can request a copy of our GDPR Statement by email to [email protected] which sets out how we use personal data for the purpose of providing professional services within and across our practices partnerships and internal operations.

Third-party sites and sponsors

Our site contains links to other sites whose information practices may be different that ours. We have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties therefore you should consult their respective privacy notices before entering any data.

We may post information about events that are sponsored or co-sponsored by other firms or organisations. Should you choose to register electronically for any of these events, we will have no control over the third-party sponsors’ use of this information.

Use of Internet ‘Cookies’

Cookies are widely used tiny pieces of electronic files that are installed on a computer or mobile device when an individual visits a website. They allow websites to recognise that a user on an individual computer has previously visited the site. The cookies save some information about that user for when they access the site again in the future.

By using and browsing any of our websites, you consent to cookies being used in accordance with our policy. If you do not consent, you must turn off cookies in your chosen web browsing software or refrain from using the site. Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. To do this, look at the ‘help’ menu on your browser. However, switching off cookies may restrict your use of the website and/or delay or affect the way in which it appears and/or operates. The following information will help you decide your preferences.

Broadly, there are 4 types of cookie:

Strictly necessary cookies

These are cookies that are essential to make a website work and enable features that users have specifically asked for. These types of cookies are commonly used with e-payments or invoicing. Without use of cookies, these features of the website could not operate.

Performance cookies

These cookies collect anonymous information about users for the purpose of assessing the performance of a website. Common uses include well-known web analytics tools such as ‘Google Analytics’.

Functionality cookies

These are cookies that automatically remember choices that users have previously made in order to improve their experience next time they visit a website. For example, where users select their preferred settings and layout.

Targeting or Advertising cookies

These cookies are similar to performance cookies, in that they collect information about users’ behaviour. However, this information is used at individual user level to advertise products and services to users on the basis of the behavioural information collected.

Disabling/enabling cookies

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings in your browser. However, you may not be able to use all the interactive features of our site if cookies are disabled.

Website security measures

We employ security measures to prevent unauthorised access to information that we collect online. However, we cannot guarantee the security of the personal information that you transmit to us over the web.

Privacy notice updates

We may update our privacy notices from time to time. Please review this page periodically for changes.

Our standard terms and conditions of service

Fairchild Greig & Co. accepts client instructions through the signing of its Client Care Letter (CCL) in acceptance by the client and relevant practice partner. Currently, the CCL includes our standard terms and conditions of service in addition to specific details of your case carefully centred around the desired outcomes and benefits you seek in so far as we have understood them. In the near future, we intend to separate out our standard terms of service into a dedicated document to accompany separate documents that set out case specifics. Until then, please liaise with your dedicated Case Contact who shall prepare a draft CCL for your perusal and answer any queries you may have fore signing it in acceptance.

How we aim to address any dissatisfaction

If you have a complaint or are not satisfied with the standard or proficiency of the work carried out for you by us (or one of our practice partners), the service provided to you or the associated invoice, you should raise the matter with your assigned Case Contact(s) in the first instance. You can contact your assigned Case Contacts using the contact details supplied to you in our Client Care Letter, via our website www.fairchildgreig.co.uk or by email to [email protected] marked for their attention.


If the work is being done in a practice area that your assigned Case Contact is not a member of, they will deal with your complaint in conjunction with the relevant practice partner who may be required to investigate the complaint under a different complaints procedures and policies, if applicable.


If your complaint is about the assigned Case Contact, you should take the matter up with one of our firm’s Principal or Managing Consultants, and where the assigned Case Contact is a Principal or Managing Consultant, the matter will be addressed by our Head of Professional Services.


We try to acknowledge complaints within two working days and endeavour to ensure that they are dealt with promptly. The assigned complaints handler or a nominated contact within our practice partner organisation (as applicable) will investigate the complaint and aim to respond within ten working days. If this is not possible, we will advise you of the likely timescale for responding and reason for the delay. We will respond to your complaint in any event within eight weeks of the date the complaint was acknowledged.


If your case has required the use of regulated professionals (such as a solicitor, barrister or accountant), and your are concerned about their behaviour for things like dishonesty, taking or losing your money or treating you unfairly because of your age, a disability or other characteristic, you can raise your concerns with the relevant regulating body such as the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the Bar Standards Board (BSB) or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to name a few.


We will ensure you are informed about which regulatory body may be applicable in your case and how to contact them directly about your complaint. In some circumstances it may be possible for us to assist you in the preparation and/or the filing of such reports to the relevant body and/or associated ombudsman, subject to you providing us with specific powers of attorney to do so.


What you can do if we cannot resolve your complaint.

We always prefer to work ‘with’ rather than ‘against’ our clients and practice partners. We will always strive to the best in our abilities and as far as possible to provide excellent client care both when working on your case and in the ways we try to resolve any issues that may inevitably arise on rare occasions. We value loyalty more than ‘quick wins’, taking time to consider the ‘full picture’ of any situation to make client-centric decisions. In other words, we cannot abide personal agendas, politics or egotistical score-pointing taking higher importance than doing what we must in the interest of fairness and justice.


If despite best endeavours you are not happy with our response, or if we have not given you a final response within eight weeks, you are advised to seek independent legal advice.

Holding client assets

Fairchild Greig Trusts Ltd is a trust service provider authorised and regulated by His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), Registration No. XEML00000173543, for the holding of client monies and assets in compliance with Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing prevention regulations.


You can check the HMRC register of supervised organisations at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/money-laundering-regulations-supervised-business-register#check-if-a-business-is-registered


We work with NatWest Group sponsored FreeAgent Certified Practitioners. FreeAgent is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (register no. 799763) for the provision of account information services.